Conventions and conferences of Alessandro Del Ninno
Immuni, from cloud to DPIA: all the doubts on the contact tracing app.
Article by Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno published on the Digital Economy magazine Key4Biz.
In this article Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno carries out a first analysis - on the basis of the available information - related to the app named "Immuni" which has been selected by the Italian Government for the contact tracing within the so called Phase 2 of the COVID-19 emergency. The article points out some of the app's awaited characteristics as well as some data protection possibile criticalities: from the lack of transparency (no DPIA available and no public evalutation document on the choice have been put at the disposal) to the choice to keep the data in cloud; from effective anonimity of the health and personal data to the need for the app to be further developed within a more integrated national digital traceability system.