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Conventions and conferences of Alessandro Del Ninno

The EU Regulation proposal on Artificial Intelligence: practical analysis of the new European AI regulatory framework - Part One.

Essay published on Diritto & Giustizia - Giuffrè Lefebvre Publisher - 28th, April 2021.

Diritto & Giustizia

The EU Regulation proposal on Artificial Intelligence: practical analysis of the new European AI regulatory framework - Part One.
The essay by Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno entitled “The EU Regulation proposal on Artificial Intelligence: practical analysis of the new European AI regulatory framework - Part One” has been published on Diritto & Giustizia by Giuffrè Lefebvre Publisher. It is the first of five thematic essays going in-depth with the recent EU Regulation proposal on AI that shall be published weekly on D&G. Today's essay deals with: general overview of the AI Regulation, subject matter and scope, main legal definitions, prohibition of "artificial intelligence practices".

Click on the link below to access the Index.
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