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The new rules on cookies: practical fulfilments and simplification about information notice and consent according to the Italian Data Protection Authority's General Deliberation as of May 8, 2014.

The new rules on cookies: practical fulfilments and simplification about information notice and consent according to the Italian Data Protection Authority's General Deliberation as of May 8, 2014.
Article by Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno published in Diritto & Giustizia - GIUFFRE'.

This article comments the Italian Data Protection Authority's General Deliberation on cookies and offers an in-depth analysis on the practical fulfiments needed to make cookies on line compliant with the data protection legal framework (art. 122 of the Italian Data Protection Code).

Particular attention is brought to the Italian Data Protection Authority's General Deliberation as of May 8, 2014 entitled “Setting up of simplified modalities to release the Information Notice and to gather the users' consent for cookies”) and to the Opinion 4/2012 (WP194) enacted by the EU Art. 29 Working Party entitled “Exemption of consent for cookies”. Visualizza il documento allegato
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