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The EU General Regulation on Data Protection no. 679/2016: a practical analysis of the general new legal framework and of the data protection fulfilments.

The EU General Regulation on Data Protection no. 679/2016: a practical analysis of the general new legal framework and of the data protection fulfilments.
Article by Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno - published in Diritto & Giustizia - GIUFFRE'  - 12 May 2016.

The article is the first dossier going in-depth with the new EU Regulation on data protection.

The next seven dossier shall be dedicated to:

  1. General Rules, definitions and data protection principles
  2. The privacy key players: roles, functions and liabilities
  3. The Data Protection Officer
  4. Data processing conditions: information notice, consent and other requirements
  5. Privacy assessment, accountability , privacy by design and privacy by default
  6. Data processing and security measures
  7. The new sanctions.

Click on the link below to download the Index.
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