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The Legislative decree no. 101/2018 amending the Italian Data Protection Code: an overview on the new national data protection legal framework coordinated with the GDPR.

Diritto & Giustizia - GIUFFRE' Publisher

The Legislative decree no. 101/2018 amending the Italian Data Protection Code: an overview on the new national data protection legal framework coordinated with the GDPR.
Article by Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno - published in Diritto & Giustizia - GIUFFRE' Publisher.

On the Italian Official Journal as of September 4th, 2018 no. 235 it has been published the legislative decree 10 august 2018, no. 101 amending the Italian Data Protection Code (legislative decree no. 196/2003) in order to achieve a coordination between the Italian data protection rules thereof included and the EU General Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016 (“GDPR”).

By this article Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno analyzes and comments the new Italian data protection legal framework as coordinated to the GDPR. Obviously, the GDPR shall be the main regulatory referral while the “new” Italian Data Protection Code introduce additional rules in detail in particular fields, as provided by the same GDPR which referred to the single EU Member States the regulation of specific data processing in specific sectors (see for example art. 88 GDPR).

In any case, the complex data protection legal framework in Italy is far from being definitively concluded: the new Italian  Data Protection Code gives to the Italian Data Protection Authority the task to enact in the near future additional acts/deliberations and deontological code for specific data processing (ex: biometric data, etc).

The text of the legislative decree 101/2018 can be downloaded here. Visualizza il documento allegato
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