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Conventions and conferences
Conventions and conferences of Alessandro Del Ninno

Right of access to archives between data protection and copyright: the new perspectives in light of the GDPR and of the Copyright Directive reform.

Conference Built archives - Autobiography and personal archives representation. Rome, 9th November 2018 Conference room of the Central National Library.

Right of access to archives between data protection and copyright: the new perspectives in light of the GDPR and of the Copyright Directive reform.
National Conference organized by ANAI - Associazione Nazionale Archivistica Italiana - Rome, 9 November 2018.

Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno holds a lecture focused on the specific legal aspects (data protection and copyright) implied by the access to personal archives, in light of the recent data protection and copyright reforms. Conference Schedule Link: Official web site ANAI. Link: Web page ANAI on the Conference.
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