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Conventions and conferences
Conventions and conferences of Alessandro Del Ninno

New privacy fulfilments for the companies: record of data processing, Data Protection Impact Assessment and data breach communication.

Workshop Privacy - Confindustria Venezia.

New privacy fulfilments for the companies: record of data processing, Data Protection Impact Assessment and data breach communication.
Workshop privacy for DPOs organized by Confindustria Venezia - Venice, 23rd, November 2018.

Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno held two lectures for comprehensive 8 hours of lesson.

The first lesson has been dedicated to data protection on workplaces: in light of the GDPR, the main data protection issues have been analysed.

In the afternoon, the second 4 hourd session has been focused on the new privacy fulfilments for the companies: record of data processing, Data Protection Impact Assessment and data breach communication. Schedule Entire Workshop Schedule Link: Official web site
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