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Conventions and conferences
Conventions and conferences of Alessandro Del Ninno

Cloud services management: security and international data transfers according to the GDPR.

Conference "Cybersecurity: risks, law rules and practical fulfillments" - Paradigma S.p.A. - Milan, 2nd October 2019.

Cloud services management: security and international data transfers according to the GDPR.
Conference organized by Paradigma S.p.A. - Milan, 2nd October 2019.

Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno shall join as speaker the Conference "Cybersecurity: risks, law rules and practical fulfillments" by discussing a paper entitled "Cloud services management: security and international data transfers according to the GDPR".

The following issues shall be discussed:

  • cloud services and data security: risks and opportunities
  • IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) o SaaS (Software as a Service): the evaluation to be carried out
  • selecting the cloud services provider
  • criticalities implied by the international data transfer
  • GDPR and international data transfers: analysis of articles 44-49
  • Cloud and non personal data transfers in light of the EU Regulation 2018/1807
  • drafting proper clauses within cloud agreements: samples and case history.
Click on the link below to access the Conference's schedule. Conference Schedule Link: Official web site Paradigma S.p.A.
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