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Conventions and conferences
Conventions and conferences of Alessandro Del Ninno

ICT at the service of legal profession: the technological revolution, from blockchain and smart contracts to artificial intelligence; current scenarios and future practical perspectives.

Training Course - Tonucci & Partners - Rome, 23 December 2019.

ICT at the service of legal profession: the technological revolution, from blockchain and smart contracts to artificial intelligence; current scenarios and future practical perspectives.
Prof. Avv. Alessanro del Ninno introduces the specialized professional training course “technologies at the service of legal profession: the technological revolution, from blockchain and smart contracts to artificial intelligence; current scenarios and future practical perspectives”, in which will be discussed legal issues of great current relevance.

Prof. Avv. Alessanro del Ninno discusses the following issues form an operational perspective:
  • Artifical Intelligence and the Law;
  • AI and Blockchain;
  • Data Protection and AI.
The course will be held on December 23, 2019, from h. 9.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m., at the Hall of the Academy Tonucci & Partners, Rome.
Training Course Schedule. Link: Link to the presentation of the event.
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