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Conventions and conferences
Conventions and conferences of Alessandro Del Ninno

Monitoring employees at work and the requirements for a lawful control at a distance.

Lecture held at the Conference "Employees' monitoring at a distance amongst privacy, protection of rights in workplaces and technological evolution" organized by Paradigma S.p.A. - Milan, 5th February 2020.

Monitoring employees at work and the requirements for a lawful control at a distance.
Within the Conference "Employees' monitoring at a distance amongst privacy, protection of rights in workplaces and technological evolution" organized by Paradigma S.p.A. in Milan on 5th February 2020, Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno held a lecture going in-depth with the followong issues:
a) monitoring employees lawfully in light of art. 4 of the Labour Statute (Law 300/1970 as amended);
b) monitoring employees lawfully in light of the GDPR and of the amended Italian Data Protection Code;
c) what a "labour mean" is according to the applicable  law rules and to the Italian Data Protection Authority's provisions;

d) "smart working" and data processing.
Click on the link below to download the Conference Schedule.
Conference Schedule Conference picture
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