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Conventions and conferences of Alessandro Del Ninno

Remote identification in the drawing up of distance contracts in light of the Simplification Decree no. 76/2020.

Workshop organized by Formazione ITA - Rome, October 7th, 2020.

Remote identification in the drawing up of distance contracts in light of the Simplification Decree no. 76/2020.
In this Workshop lasting 4 hours, Prof. Alessandro del Ninno has gone in-depth with the innovations introduced by the Simplification Decree as of 16 July 2020, no. 76. Particuklar focus has been dedicated to the new rules on digital identity and remote identification in the drawing up of distance contracts. The new rules on SPID, digital domicile, electronic signatures have been also explored, including with regard to the drawing up of contracts in the banking and financial sectors.

It is possible to view the Workshop Schedule by clicking on the link below. Workshop's Schedule
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