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Conventions and conferences
Conventions and conferences of Alessandro Del Ninno

Cloud: the new ways of managing company data and information systems.

Conference organized by Paradigma S.p.A. - Rome, 24th, November 2020.

Cloud: the new ways of managing company data and information systems.
As part of the conference, Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno discussed two lectures. The first - entitled "Cloud and data protection obligations: the rules applicable to international data transfers" - addressed the following topics:
  • Data processing in the use of Cloud solutions: roles and responsibilities
  • Cloud and Data Protection Regulation 679/2016: obligations in the case of choosing Cloud solutions for the company
  • The indications of the EU Guarantors (EDPB and EDPS) for the adoption of Cloud services
  • The contractual clauses to ensure GDPR compliance
  • The role of the Codes of Conduct Cloud and international transfer of personal data
  • The role of the European Regulation on non-personal data
The second lecture - entitled "Cloud services for Public Administrations: the new rules after the Simplification Decree n. 76/2020 and the AGID Guidelines" - explored the following topics:
  • The new rules introduced in the CAD on Cloud services for PA
  • The AGID Regulation on the characteristics of quality, security, performance, scalability, interoperability, portability of Cloud services
  • A Cloud service providers: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS PA's Cloud infrastructure providers: Cloud service provider, Cloud SPC Lot 1, National strategic poles
  • A case history of Cloud for the PA: the qualification process and the Cloud Italia platform / marketplace for the PA

It is possible to view the complete program by clicking on the link below. Conference Schedule
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