Conventions and conferences of Alessandro Del Ninno
Digital transformation within HR management: data protection impacts and the role of AI systems.
Conference organized by Paradigma S.p.A. - Rome, 14th, May 2021.
In this conference, Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno analyzes the practical impacts of technologies that have long been changing (and will increasingly change) the management of Human Resources. In particular, two set of rules are taken into consideration: the first, represented by the rules that the group of EU Data Protection Authorities enacted within the Opinion 2/2017 dedicated to nine different scenarios of the relationship between employer and workers characterized by the introduction of new technologies in the working context. The second set of rules that is analyzed in the conference concerns the recent proposal of a General Regulation on Artificial Intelligence adopted by the EU Commission, with particular reference to the consequences of the use of "high-risk" AI systems specifically dedicated to the HR digital management (see Annex III, point 4 of reg. IA).
In particular, the following topics are explored:
HR digitization scenarios in the light of the opinion 2/20217 by the EU Data Protection Authorities
Commercial evaluation when purchasing HW / SW solutions for HR: contractual guarantees in light of the principle of privacy by design
Introduction of new technologies in the workplace and DPIA obligation: practical issues
Artificial Intelligence solutions applied to the HR context: current scenarios and future rules in the light of the EU proposal for a General Regulation for AI.
Click on the link below to display the Conference Schedule.