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Conventions and conferences
Conventions and conferences of Alessandro Del Ninno

Electronic documents storage and data protection obligations: the law rules.

Seminar organized by Jusweb in collaboration with the Notarial Council of Viterbo / Rieti.

Electronic documents storage and data protection obligations: the law rules.
In this conference, Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno discussed a lecture focused on the data protection obligations in the context of dematerialization and conservation processes.

In this perspective, the relationships between the new AgID Guidelines on electronic documents storing, the Digital Administration Code, the EiDas Regulation and the GDPR have been operationally illustrated.

Particular attention has been paid in the lecture:
  • to the application of the fundamental principles of data processing, as listed in article 5 of the GDPR, to the electronic storage process
  • to the application of the GDPR rules regarding security in the storage process
  • to the application of the rivacy by design and privacy by default principles, also based on the EDPB sectorial Guidelines no. 4/2019.
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