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Conventions and conferences
Conventions and conferences of Alessandro Del Ninno

Companies’ personal data as new currency of the digital markets. The new risks within the technological global scenarios: from unaware data breaches to wilful identity theft.

Companies’ personal data as new currency of the digital markets. The new risks within the technological global scenarios: from unaware data breaches to wilful identity theft.
Conference organized by the multinational company AXPO A.G. - Zurich, 6th November 2013.

Prof. Alessandro del Ninno held two lectures into English. In the morning sessions he analysed the technological scenarios and the international legal framework related to the on line identity theft.

In the afternoon worskshop dedicated to lawyers he has discussed a lecture analysing - according to the Swiss Data Protection Law - the security matters within the processing of companies' personal data, in relation to the risks of unaware data breaches by the persons in charge of the processing.

By clicking on the below links it is possibile to display the slides of the afternoon worskshop and the videos of the morning conference on the on line identity theft, including a second video related to the Q&A sessions which has followed the morning session.

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