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Conventions and conferences
Conventions and conferences of Alessandro Del Ninno

GNSS technology advances in a multi-constellation framework.

GNSS technology advances in a multi-constellation framework.
Conference organized by SOGEI - 25-26 September, 2014 - Rome.

Within this international conference - with the participation - amongst the others - of  experts from the Stanford University, from the Italian Space Agency and from the European Union GSA - Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno shall discuss a paper entitled "Providing GNSS services: the legal perspective. The existing regime and its shortcomings with regards to liability, data policy and data integrity" analysing in the perspective of the EU Program Horizon 2020 the legal and technical issues arsing from the providing of satellite services, with the related liability regime.

Click on the link below to download the slides discussed within this international Worskshop.

Click on the link to see the video of the lecture.

Visualizza il documento allegato Link: Link to the Agenda of the Workshop
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