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Conventions and conferences
Conventions and conferences of Alessandro Del Ninno

Cloud computing and cross-border data transfer: applicable law rules and pratical fulfilments.

Cloud computing and cross-border data transfer: applicable law rules and pratical fulfilments.
Conference organized by Optime - Studi, Formazione e Ricerche - Milan, 23rd February 2016.

Within this conference, entitled "Cloud computing - Applicable law rules and pratical fulfilments", Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno shall hold a lecture focused on the legal framework related to cross-border data transfer applicable to cloud services, also in light of the recent EU Court of Justice's ruling as of 6.10.15 (C-362/14) declaring void the so called "Safe Harbor".

Click on the link below to download the Conference's schedule. Schedule of the Conference "Cloud computing - Applicable law rules and pratical fulfilments". Slides paper Avv. Alessandro del Ninno
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