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Conventions and conferences
Conventions and conferences of Alessandro Del Ninno

Processing personal data within Intelligent Transportation Systems services: the new EU legal framework and the Regulation 679/2016 applied to Transportation sector.

National Forum Technology for all

Processing personal data within Intelligent Transportation Systems services: the new EU legal framework and the Regulation 679/2016 applied to Transportation sector.
National Forum Technology for all  - Rome 4-6 October 2016.

Within the national conference dedicated to the application of new technologies to the territory, the environment, the cultural patrimony and to the smart cities Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno holds a lecture focused on the intelligent transportation systems and the related personal data processing in light of the new EU Data Protection General Regulation.

Click on the link below to access the Forum Agenda.

The video of the lecture is available below. Link: Technology for all - Agenda Link: Official web site of the Forum Technology for all
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