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Interviews and media of Alessandro Del Ninno

The new self-certification form released by the Minister for Internal Affairs for moving out in the COVID-19 emergency context: criticalities and enforcement difficulties. Interview to Avv. Alessandro del Ninno on Key4Biz.

Interview to Avv. Alessandro del Ninno on Key4Biz.

Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno has been interviewed by Key4Biz – one of the main on line Italian newspapers focused on the Digital Economy – about the new self-certification form as released by the Minister for Internal Affairs and to be used to ground the legitimate reasons to move outside (freely moving is actually strictly forbidden in Italy, except for specific reasons, due to the COVID-19 emergency).

The new form released amended a previous one by enriching the self-declaration therein with a specific statement “to not be resulted COVID-19 positive”.

Prof. Avv. Del Ninno goes in-depth with the legal criticalities arising from this self-declaration and points out further matters with reference to the gathering and processing citizens’ health personal data according to the Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) applicable even in light of the emergency under way.

Click here to access the interview.
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