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Interviews and media of Alessandro Del Ninno

Covid-19, app for self-certification by means of smartphones or via SPID. Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno interview.

Interview published on Key4Biz - Rome, March 28th, 2020.

In this interview, published on the on line magazine Key4Biz, Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno evaluates the app 'SOS Italy' developed by the Italian Association for Digital Revolution, in cooperation with the technological partner Sielte (who has develepod the software ad hoc). 

The app has been proposed to the Italian Government by means of the so called Fast Call project (the Minister for Innovation and Technology opened a public bid inviting entities and research centers to commonly share  innovation and technological solutions suitable to control the emergency under way for the COVID-19 epidemy). Beyond letting a completely electronic management of the self-certification model, the app allows a massive control of the citizens, made traceable in light of avoiding further COVID-19 infections.

Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno points out the positive technological options granted by the app but at the same time advices on the potential data protection risks connected to the use of this app. Above all: risks implied by the massive control of the citizens outside the proper guarantees as set forth in article 5 of the GDPR (providing the mandatory principles on data processing, applicable also within the emergency context).

Click on the link below to access the interview. Visualizza il documento allegato