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Interviews and media
Interviews and media of Alessandro Del Ninno

Comment to the law-decree 28/2020 on the national rules applying to the tracing app and platform. In the meanwhile, in Australia several criticalities affect the contact tracing app. Interview to Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno.

Interview to Ius Web Radio - The Italian Lawyers' national radio.

In this interview released to the morning radio programme "Lawyers wake up", broadcasted by Ius Web Radio, Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno pointed out the current criticalities experienced by the australian citizens when using the downloaded app for contact tracing based on the Bluetooth (with same functionalities of the apps employed in Singapore and in Italy, with the Italian app named "Immuni"). During the interview, Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno also commented article 6 of the Italian law-decree no. 28/2020 enacted by the Italian Government to rule a national contact tracing systrem, platform and app.

Click here to access the radio interview.