Interview to Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno on Ius Web Radio about the Naples Court of Appeal's decree on contact tracing.
Radio Program "A tu X tu" as of November 26th, 2020.
In the Radio program "A tu X tu" conducted by Avv. Pierluigi Serra, Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno discussed together with his colleague Avv. Pietro Calorio about the organizational measures adopted by the Court of Appeal of Naples and by the local Council of the Bar Association which subordinate the entry of Judges, Lawyers and Police Forces at the Palace of Justice to the sending in advance of an email (to be printed and then presented at the entrance) that notices the day and the movements within the premises in order to allow the next "contact tracing" in case of COVID outbreaks. For the lawyers there is also the possible alternative of being tracked by the magnetic strip of the professional card to "swipe" at the entrance using special readers in the possession of the security staff. During the program, the organizational profiles and the impacts of tracing have been examined in depth, both in light of the ordinary principles set out in the General Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016, both in light of the current emergency law rules for combating the Covid-19 pandemic.