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E-procurement: the decree on the principles and technical characteristics of digital procurement has been published.

AgID will issue the Guidelines for the creation or adaptation of telematic platforms according to European standards of interoperability

The Public Function Decree of 12 August 2021 n. 148 which regulates the procedures for digitizing public contract procedures, to be adopted pursuant to Article 44 of Legislative Decree no. 50 (Code of public contracts).

The decree defines the principles for the digitization of procurement processes of public administrations and indicates the general technical characteristics that the telematic systems must have for carrying out the activities related to the procurement and negotiation procedures of public contracts. The digital platforms for e-procurement, in use by the contracting stations, will have to meet certain functional and technological requirements.

This “technological standardization” will favor the interconnection and interoperability of data between the existing e-procurement platforms and between these and the supervisory and control bodies. A great advantage for both public administrations and businesses, as e-procurement helps to improve overall administrative efficiency, decreasing the management costs of tender procedures, reducing the duration of the procurement cycle and the administrative burden to burden of businesses.

The Agency for Digital Italy will define, with the issue of specific guidelines - pursuant to art. 71 of the Legislative Decree of 7 March 2005, n. 82 (Digital Administration Code) -, the technical rules for the creation - or adaptation - of these platforms, necessary for carrying out the activities related to the procurement and negotiation procedures of public contracts, according to the technical standards of interoperability defined at European and national level. The AgID Guidelines will clarify the general principles set out in the decree, describing the process of functioning, exchanged flows, data schemes and roles of the subjects involved in the procedures, also defining national and European best practices.

(Source: Web site agid.gov.it – Author and Ownership of the contents: Italian Digital Agency).
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