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Published in G.U. the decree establishing the Register of virtual currency operators and digital wallet services.

On February 17, 2022, the Decree of the Ministry of Finance establishing the Register of virtual currency operators and digital wallet and cryptocurrency services (hold by the entity represetning the Agents and Mediators - OAM) was published in the Italian Official Gazette.

mong the various information that each registered operator is required to communicate quarterly to the OAM are the following:
  • Customer identification data;
  • Countervalue in euros, at the date of the last day of the reference quarter, of the total balance of legal currencies and virtual currencies referable to each customer;
  • Number and total value in euro, at the date of the last day of the reference quarter, of the conversion operations from legal to virtual and from virtual to legal currency referring to each customer;
  • Number of conversion operations between virtual currencies referable to each customer;
  • Number of outbound and inbound virtual currency transfer operations from / to the service provider relating to the use of virtual currency referable to each customer;
  • Number and equivalent in euro, at the date of the last day of the reference quarter, of the amount of outgoing and incoming legal currency transfer operations from / to the service provider relating to the use of virtual currency, referable to each customer and broken down by cash transfers and traceable instruments.
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