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New Cookie Procedure for 2022 available.

Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno drafted a practical procedure ("Cookie Procedure") to ensure compliance with the new provisions regarding cookies, online identifiers and tracking, for websites, web applications (for mobile and non-mobile devices) and digital platforms generally.

In fact, the importance of the issue in question is topical, not only for companies in the ICT sector, but for all those who in any case target the market with their own websites and web platforms. Especially after the entry into force of the new Guidelines on cookie enacted by the Italian Data Protection Authority on June 2021 and applicable starting from 10 January 2022. Further, in the first semester 2022 the Italian "Garante" shall focus its checks on the cookie compliance.

The Cookie Procedure developed by Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno allows compliance by "translating" into concrete, understandable and operational terms all the legal and technical obligations and fulfilments regarding cookies, identifiers, tracking and profiling contained in the applicable provisions and regulations in force.

The Cookie Procedure is based on 14 practical steps (areas of verification) with the immediately operational indication: (1) of the verifications to be carried out; (2) of the activities and consequent obligations to be put in place for websites, apps, platforms, on the basis of the entire regulatory framework referred to above; (3) of the Company Departments or Departments to be involved, with the specification of who must do what, how and when.

Furthermore, the Cookie Procedure is also relevant for the purposes of the articles art. 5.2 and 24 of the GDPR, being not only the "processing policy" required by article 24.2 GDPR, but also the accountability document in light of article 5.2 GDPR.

For any further information for the Italian market or request, the interested parties may send an email.
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