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Italian Digital Agency - AGID: AGID:Guide on digital citizenship rights for citizens and businesses published.

AgID has published the Guide to digital citizenship rights defined by Article 17, paragraph 1-quinquies of the Digital Administration Code and adopted with Resolution no. 57/2022.

Digital citizenship is embodied in digital rights which, thanks to the support of a series of tools and processes, help to facilitate the use of Public Administration services for citizens and businesses, making it closer and accessible to users.

Digital citizenship rights are concrete when anyone can:

- access online services in a simple, secure and fast way (right to use technologies, digital identity, accessibility of websites and mobile applications);
- rapidly acquire reliable information and / or clearly express one's need, establishing a rapid communication with full legal value with the public administration to which one turns for a procedure or service (telematic requests, electronic communications, digital domicile);
- benefit from digital payment methods that ensure greater transparency and security (payments with IT methods);
- benefit from means of protection such as recourse to the Digital Ombudsman.

The Guide therefore aims to inform citizens and businesses about the tools and services available and provide an overview of the rules that regulate and protect digital rights.
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