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Italian Communications Authority: Code of Conduct on teleselling and telemarketing activities approved.

The Italian Communications Authority enacted by the Resolution no. 197/23/CONS the Code of Conduct on teleselling and telemarketing activities, defining a series of measures to be identified in contracts between electronic communications operators carrying out call center activities, according to the following principles:
  1. transparency of contracts concluded by telephone with end users;
  2. proper use of telephone number lists;
  3. the call center must be able to be called back by the customer;
  4. call centers are obliged to register with the ROC;
  5. it is prohibited to change the Caller Line Identification of the line from which the call to the customer originates.
In particular, the Code is aimed at pursuing institutional purposes of the Authority, namely to protect consumers against low-quality call center activities.

In terms of its subjective scope of application, the Code applies to Business Partners, Consumer Users and Operators who voluntarily adhere to it. For non-adherents, on the other hand, the application is however indirect since the the rules will be applied to call centers to the extent that they have signed contracts with Operators who have signed the aforementioned Code.

Contact methods developed through channels other than voice telephone, such as the SMS channel, do not fall within the scope of the text.
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