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Public opt-out registry: automatic consultation by operators now possible.

The web service enabling operators to consult the Public Objections Register automatically has been released.
The new service - which allows interoperability between operators' software platforms and the RPO system - is part of a series of activities carried out by the operator to digitise the interaction processes between users and the RPO, in the light of technological developments.

Registered operators who wish to send lists of contacts to be verified and obtain the updated results without the intervention of a human operator can automate these operations through the appropriate web service. 

To enable the automated list sending service, it is possible to access one's own RPO reserved area, with the profile of the administrative contact person, by submitting a special request.

The technical documentation of the API (Application Programming Interface) is available in Redoc and Swagger formats. 

To facilitate application development by operators, a service test environment is also available.
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