Available from 22 April to 30 June 2024, the service to object to the automatic feeding of the Electronic Health Record by uploading health data prior to 19 May 2020.
In order to increase the feeding of the Electronic Health Record (Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico - FSE), Article 11 of Decree-Law No. 34/2020 provided that, as of the date of publication of the decree (19 May 2020), the loading of data onto the FSE will take place automatically, with the consequent elimination of the 'consent to feeding' required by previous legislation.
For health data and documents generated by clinical events prior to 19 May 2020, the patient may exercise the right to oppose the feeding of the ESF through the online service 'ESF - Opposition to the past', which allows the patient to oppose the loading of digital health data and documents generated by clinical events referring to services provided by the National Health Service prior to 19 May 2020 into his or her ESF. Opposition to the uploading of data and documents generated by clinical events relating to services provided by the National Health Service prior to 19 May 2020 must be made through the Sistema Tessera Sanitaria portal at
The online service "FSE - Opposition to the past" is available from 22 April until 30 June 2024.
The choice can be revoked and re-registered in the Sistema Tessera Sanitaria several times, until 30 June 2024. The system will select the last indication loaded chronologically.
Failure to access the online service "FSE - Opposition to the past" or accessing the service without registering one's opposition will result in the automatic upload of one's data and available health documents prior to 19 May 2020 into the FSE.
For health data and documents generated by clinical events prior to 19 May 2020, the patient may exercise the right to oppose the feeding of the ESF through the online service 'ESF - Opposition to the past', which allows the patient to oppose the loading of digital health data and documents generated by clinical events referring to services provided by the National Health Service prior to 19 May 2020 into his or her ESF. Opposition to the uploading of data and documents generated by clinical events relating to services provided by the National Health Service prior to 19 May 2020 must be made through the Sistema Tessera Sanitaria portal at
The online service "FSE - Opposition to the past" is available from 22 April until 30 June 2024.
The choice can be revoked and re-registered in the Sistema Tessera Sanitaria several times, until 30 June 2024. The system will select the last indication loaded chronologically.
Failure to access the online service "FSE - Opposition to the past" or accessing the service without registering one's opposition will result in the automatic upload of one's data and available health documents prior to 19 May 2020 into the FSE.