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The National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN) reminds all NIS subjects of the deadline for registration on 28 February.

The new NIS (Network and Information Security) directive, implemented in Italy with Legislative Decree 138/2024, came into force on 16 October 2024. The directive aims to strengthen the security of networks and information systems, based on a regulation that introduces specific deadlines and obligations for public and private organisations operating in essential sectors.

All NIS entities can register between 1 December and 28 February via the services portal of the National Cybersecurity Agency.

In order to facilitate registration, ACN recommends that you immediately proceed with the registration of your point of contact and the completion of the declaration on the services portal.

In the section dedicated to the new NIS regulation there is informative material and a large collection of answers to frequently asked questions that are constantly updated. ACN points out, in particular, FAQ 3.1 which outlines the self-assessment process that potential NIS subjects will have to carry out to determine whether or not they need to register.

Finally, ACN reminds us that the final deadline for registration for all NIS subjects is 28 February and that failure to register by that date will result in the administrative fines provided for in Article 38, paragraphs 10 and 11, of the NIS decree, up to a maximum of 0.1% of turnover.
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