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ITU (International Telecommunication Union) approves the 5G specifications.

The ITU (International Telecommunication Union) has given its approval for the implementation of 3 technologies dedicated to the development of new generation connections in 5G, this means that finally this protocol can enjoy a certain standard and specifications that can be used at an industrial level for the design of network infrastructures.

For the approval of the proposals submitted to the ITU, the criteria provided for in the 2020 edition of the International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) have been taken into account, which outlines the security requirements, roaming support, continuity of service and services that will have to be guaranteed internationally.

Specifically, the three technologies capable of passing the exam are the 3Gpp 5G-Srit and the 3Gpp 5G-Rit both presented by 3Gpp (Third generation partnership project) and the 5Gi presented by Tsdsi (Telecommunications standards development society India). Clearly these are interoperable solutions so as to maximize as much as possible the extension of the 5G network.

The ITU currently includes 193 states, including the USA and China, which are the companies from which the largest investments in 5G are expected. The entire digital economy of the near future will not be able to ignore ultra-fast connections and the economic growth resulting from the new standard will affect several markets.

Among the latter there will certainly be that of IoT (Internet of Things) which represents an acceleration factor for any Data Driven sector, in this regard it is possible to cite the example of China whose space program is based precisely on 5G to achieve a level of performance comparable to that of its American counterpart.

 (Source: Web site Mr. Webmaster News – Author: Claudio Garau –  Ownership of the contents:  IKIweb Internet Media S.r.l.)

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