Garante Europeo per la protezione dei dati personali: adottato il Parere 8/2016 sulla protezione dei dati personali nell'era dei Big data.
The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) enacted a new Opinion, no. 8/2016 on Coherent enforcement of fundamental rights in the age of big data, which draws attention to the mounting concern at concentration of market power and personal data in fewer and fewer hands, with the internet experience characterised by ‘walled gardens’ and take-it-or-leave-it data use policies.
Data protection, consumer and competition law each in theory serve common goals, but in reality they generally work in silos, according to the EDPS. Each branch of the law has its own role to play, but they will be more effective if they work in tandem. The Digital Clearing House will be a voluntary network of regulators willing to share information and ideas on how to make sure web-based service providers are more accountable for their conduct.
This Opinion is part of an ongoing project, launched in March 2014 with the EDPS’ Preliminary Opinion on Privacy and Competitiveness in the Age of Big Data.
Data protection, consumer and competition law each in theory serve common goals, but in reality they generally work in silos, according to the EDPS. Each branch of the law has its own role to play, but they will be more effective if they work in tandem. The Digital Clearing House will be a voluntary network of regulators willing to share information and ideas on how to make sure web-based service providers are more accountable for their conduct.
This Opinion is part of an ongoing project, launched in March 2014 with the EDPS’ Preliminary Opinion on Privacy and Competitiveness in the Age of Big Data.